

Will the Pull pull through?

The Pull has been postponed for the Fall 2020 semester.  This 123-year-old tradition has yet to be completely cancelled, though. Representatives from both the Even and Odd Year Pull teams have shared that they are working to make the competition happen some time in the Spring 2021 semester. “We are looking for ways to move…


Dancing through a pandemic

The dance community has felt the impact of the recent pandemic in some unique ways. For months, artists were prevented from being together to create and feed off of each other’s energy. Dancers who were unable to attend classes in the traditional studio setting moved to Zoom and Instagram Live classes, turning their homes into…


Get out of the Gym

 People say that college is a time for growth. However, what they usually mean by this is a growth of the mind or growth of your horizons, not growth of your waistline. This can be a challenge for many college students as many former athletes are now left with no designated practice times, and even…


So long, senior basketball stars

Editor’s note: This week, staff writer Chloe Bartz had the opportunity to do a Q&A with seniors Arika Tolbert and Kayla Russell, two members of the Hope women’s basketball team. Tolbert is originally from Lathrup Village, MI, and is a double major in business and economics, while Clarkston, MI is the hometown of Russell, a…