Daily Archives: November 15, 2016


Operation combat on ISIS cities

The topic of the Middle East arises throughout the news again, whether this ranges from the television to the radio or even written in the newspaper. Why is it so important? How does this ongoing civil war have any impact on typical U.S. citizens, especially college students? Aren’t there better things to worry about other…


Angry Adam and the great food frenzy

(Photos by Adam Notolli) We interrupt your regularly scheduled “angry” article to bring you something different. This last Thursday I was bribed by Phelps Dining Hall and Creative Dining to write an article about their current ongoing series “Chef’s Table.” I was invited to this event on the premise that I write an article about…

Where do you stand?

I walked out of Phelps Dining Hall the other night looking down at my phone to answer the messages I missed during work. Suddenly, I heard a “meow.” Looking up, I saw that it came from some guy sticking his head out the passenger side window of a red pick-up truck. I looked around and…

A call for understanding

I have seen enough Facebook posts and heard enough conversations about how people need to stop whining. Stop overreacting. Stop talking about this election and move on. I have read that America needs to try and understand the Trump supporters. I can see where our priorities differ and where their background may have influenced their…

Racially Stuck

Words can’t begin to describe how I feel The pain stabbing through my chest The knife of hatred Laced with discrimination Filled with prejudice Tainted with segregation Pure Racism. The wounds were closed So they said. Yet, they were never closed. Blood begins to pour from the lashes From years of whippings past We. Are….


IMAGES shows cultural diversity

(Photos by Kelly Ocock) This past weekend Hope College hosted an event in the Knickerbocker theatre that none will soon forget. It was called “IMAGES” and provided a mouthpiece for the minority groups that inhabit Hope. At 7 p.m. on Nov. 12, students, faculty and community members crowded into the theatre to watch a passionate,…