

GROW-ing a better college and community

According to the Office of Multicultural Education, “GROW means Growing Relationships through diverse Opportunities to strengthen involvement in an ever-changing World.” Last Wesnesday, Sept. 14, the GROW Annual Kick-off was held in Maas Auditorium. GROW is a campus- wide movement with the goals of strengthening community through diverse relationships, civic responsibility and deepening cultural competency….


Global warming: what can we do?

According to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, last month was the warmest August on record globally. NASA uses scientists located in about 6,300 stations around the world to determine the average daily temperatures. Scientists gather this data in order to be able to perform a detailed analysis of our environment throughout time and propose…


New Pull coaches prepare for the big fight

The Pull is approaching rapidly–Oct. 1 to be exact–and this year’s coaches are as excited as ever. However, the considerable amount of work the coaches put into The Pull each year is underappreciated. An interview with a new Even Year coach, Emily O’Connor (’18), shed some light on the planning and expectations she has as a coach. While she was not able to reveal…


Hope charter takes the torch

Mortar Board Honor Society awards national distinctions During the national organization’s annual summer conference held July 22-24 in Indianapolis, Indiana, the Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society presented Hope College’s Mortar Board chapter with multiple honors, mainly the Gold Torch Award. Each year the Gold Torch, a national distinction, is given to the most…


Third parties in the presidential race

Polls of libertarian and green political parties show increase in supporters Throughout the political history of the United States, no candidate from a third party has ever won a presidential election. Regardless of their multiple efforts to win more voters, third parties often encounter huge difficulties in this process. From unequal access to ballots to…