
The best new diet on the block: gluten-spree

Let’s take a look at the freshest health craze that is sure to help you feel great in no time


You’ve heard about new and trending diets like Paleo and Whole30, but what you’re really missing out on are the endless benefits of gluten. With all of the great things you can do to  improve your health, diet is ex tremely critical, so why not be  ingesting food that will benefit you most? This is why we turn to gluten.

Gluten not only has plenty of health benefits, but it tastes incredibly good. Gluten is filled with loads of antioxidants and nutrients to help sustain you all day long. Basically, you’re getting the benefits of tons of essential oils in the form of bread. And who wouldn’t want that? Gluten can help reduce inflammation, help with gut health, protect from autoimmune disorders, and help  your skin glow. There are end less benefits to this wheat-filled  product, and it’s worth trying it.

Odds are that you will feel so much better when you start incorporating gluten into your diet. Some people want to take the process slow, but you will better reap the benefits of gluten by binge-eating as much wheat as possible in as little time.  Imagine eating contests for just bread and pasta. That’s what you should be aiming for. 

So how can gluten help reduce inflammation and increase  gut health? Gluten contains an enzyme called glutase whetin pastalise that is proven to help in the process of breaking down other bad stuff in the gut. This helps reduce inflammation caused by other food products and helps clean out your system all at once. This was proven by Harvard, Yale and Hope College, the three most prestigious  colleges in the U.S. They all con ducted studies using different  forms of gluten, seeing how they interacted with our gut biomes.

Gluten also strengthens the neural pathways in our brains. This happens because gluten is a super strong grain that does not always get fully broken down. Because of this, some parts of gluten get absorbed and taken into our bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the nutrients of gluten make it up to the brain,  where they cross the blood brain barrier and are absorbed  into the brain to help increase our reaction times and neural connections.

You may be wondering where you can get your hands on some  of this life-changing stuff, but don’t worry! There are plenty of places you can go to purchase gluten. Plus, gluten comes in many types, forms and flavors for you to enjoy. Likewise, there  are many places that offer gluten-friendly options.  Here our some of the top picks for places and dishes to try:

Olive Garden

Olive Garden’s endless breadsticks are sure to help you out. Plus, once you’re bored of  breadsticks (which you prob ably won’t ever be), then you  can move onto your main pasta  dishes. There are plenty of options here to choose from: Ravioli, chicken parmigiana, fettuccine, lasagna and so much more  are all available at your nearest Olive Garden. Hurry in so that you can binge eat your way  through gluten! This is arguably one of the best ways to get  a quick health kick. It’s recommended that you buy lots of options and take some breadsticks  to go. You want to make sure  you have enough gluten to sustain you until your next binge.  Plus, Olive Garden has plenty of deals to get extra pasta for less. 


Speaking of Olive Garden, there are many good dishes to try. Pasta is one of the best things you can have to help you on your gluten journey. Plus, pasta comes from Italy, so you can even learn about a different culture as you try out new styles and types of pasta dishes. Pasta comes in almost any shape you can imagine. Kraft even makes their mac and cheese extra tasty by cutting their gluten into fun shapes like Disney princesses and SpongeBob SquarePants. This is another thing that makes  the gluten diet so fun and effective: You never get sick of it,  because you always have fun options to choose from. 


This is another staple in the gluten-filled diet. There are also tons of options of bread to try that can help fill and sustain you. To name a few we have sourdough, rye, pumpernickel, wheat, white, baguette, naan, pita, ciabatta, biscuit, brioche and many more. You can even have pizza to give you that bread  and gluten fix. The cheese on  the bread will also help every thing digest and absorb well so  that you get all of the nutritional benefits from your gluten.

Noodles & Company

Noodles & Co. is another  great gluten option. This restaurant offers a wide assortment of  pastas sure to help you binge eat all the gluten your body could ever need. Mac, curry, spaghetti and alfredo are all options on their menu. Plus, they even have  gluten-filled shareables and extras, so don’t worry if you don’t  think an entrée will be enough  gluten. There are plenty of additional things you can eat to make  sure you get enough.

Gluten may be something you are super unfamiliar with, but  there are loads of health benefits to having things like bread  and pasta. Trying new foods can sometimes be a bit scary, but it’s important to remember that your health is vital. Next time you’re in the store, grab a loaf of bread or a box of pasta and try making a simple dish. It’s a great way to improve your health!

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