Now that Spring break has ended, the topic of conversation amongst many students has swiftly changed from upcoming spring break plans to upcoming summer plans. Hope was no different seventeen years ago. In the spring of 2007, sophomore Caitlin Boersma had been pondering plans for summer until she stumbled upon a summer camp fair outside of the dining hall. Becoming a camp counselor was an easy “yes” for her, as she had been desiring to take a step in her faith and praying about what that step might be.

(Photo source: LinkedIn)
God had answered her prayers. Boersma still sees the fruits of her two summers as a counselor at a camp in Wisconsin. She recalls that “about ten years after working at Camp […] Some of my former campers contacted me and told me about the impact that one week of Camp had on their faith journey.” One of her former campers went on to say that she “went and worked at a camp for the last two summers and [Boersma] had SO much to do with that.” This environment led Boersma to build relationships, listen with empathy and encourage young people in their walk with the Lord. It also grew Boersma in her own faith and strengthened her calling.
Today, Boersma and her husband Brent (‘09) share the unique experience of working and living at a summer camp together. Their journey of coming into this opportunity has been nothing short of powerful. “Ten years ago, Brent and I prayed, ‘Yes, Lord! We will follow you no matter the cost.’ A few months later the Lord invited us to open our hearts and our home to four beloved teenagers through refugee foster care.” Knowing the impact that summer camps had on their lives, the Boersmas desired to find a camp for their foster kids to attend and found Camp Beechpoint.
“At Beechpoint, our foster daughter was not only accepted, but she was also valued. Her difficult past didn’t exclude her, it connected her to others. Most importantly, she came home on fire for Jesus. My family experienced firsthand that lives are changed at Camp Beechpoint, where Christ is hope!” This testimony led Boersma, who works in Communications, to eventually apply to work at Beechpoint, and “a couple years later, Brent became the Executive Director. Now, our family is all in at Camp Beechpoint!”
The college sweethearts now live in a house that sits on the edge of Beechpoint’s property. In stark contrast to the suburb of Chicago that she grew up in, Boersma now cherishes the “100 acres in the backwoods of West Michigan. Every morning, I wake up hearing the birds, surrounded by trees and across the lane from a horse pasture,” and while “living in the country, I have experienced God in a whole new way!”
Though its famous American beech woods and gorgeous view of Dumont Lake are to die for, Beechpoint is so much more than its beauty. Its activities include zipline, waterslide, archery and tubing, ensuring fun for any child – or adult — that has the opportunity to attend camp. And the word opportunity is what Beechpoint leaders have lingered on in their last fifty-two years of camp.
The non-profit organization offers an opportunity for under-resourced children to experience the joys of summer camp. Beechpoint is known for incorporating outdoor adventure with nature education and, most importantly, the sharing of the Gospel. The camp works with organizations like Community Kids of Greater Grand Rapids and the Linking Center, as well as local churches, to ensure financial support so that money is not an issue for families in the application process. According to Beechpoint’s 2023 report, eighty percent of campers were able to attend camp because of a scholarship!
According to, the organization’s mission is “to reach urban and under-resourced youth & families with the gospel of Jesus Christ through a quality Christian camping experience.” The Boersmas experienced this first hand as they saw their foster daughter succeed at camp, and now they seek to ensure that every child that attends Beechpoint has the same amazing experience. To the Boersmas, Beechpoint is more than just a job.
Boersma’s advice to all Hope students is “rather than stressing about what you will ‘do’ someday, give your all to Christ TODAY! Say yes to following him, and allow God to guide you as you select classes, make friends and consider how to use your free time. Following Jesus is an adventure that you won’t regret. He knows what your future holds, so let him direct your steps.”
As campus buzzes about upcoming summer plans, it is easy to stress about internships and trips, but Boersma’s story shows that a simple “yes” is all it takes to step into a purposeful summer… or life! From spending a couple of summers braiding friendship bracelets and teaching kids the Gospel, to welcoming foster teenagers into a loving home, God uses every “yes.”
(Feautured image source: Camp Beechpoint Facebook page)
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