

Athletes educate themselves on sexual abuse

Athletes, coaches, professors and students gathered in the Jack Miller auditorium on Monday, January 6th to view the documentary “At The Heart of Gold: Inside The USA Gymnastics Scandal.” After the viewing of the film, audience members witnessed an interview with survivor Melody Posthuma from the Army of Survivors. Dr. Kristen Gray, Associate Dean for…


Into the Swing of Things

Championships are won in the offseason, or at least that is what can be gathered after talking to three of Hope’s softball players. According to Halle Carpenter (’22), diamonds aren’t really a girl’s best friend, but her teammates are. It is their chemistry makes all the difference once they get on the field. She revealed,…


The Badmittens

When you hear the word “birdie,” what do you think of? A golf term? A childish reference to an individual of the avian kind? Or are you one of the rare few who immediately associates it with the sport of badminton? For the quartet that makes up one of the four teams in the intramural…