

SCOTUS Update: The Kavanaugh Conundrum

This past weekend was an absolute rollercoaster for the entire political atmosphere surrounding the United States Supreme Court nominee, United States Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and his accuser, psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford. On Thursday, both of the aforementioned people testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Composed and calm, Blasey Ford testified to what she…


Trump addresses the United Nations

The United Nations’ 73rd General Assembly is split into two sections. The first started on the Sept. 18 and is the official opening of the UNGA with the second being the general debate. There are a total of 193 states that make up the UNGA. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, the president-elect of the U.N., announced…


The United Nations ‘Sovereignty Week’

President Donald Trump is set to address the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, September 25. When asked what his opening remarks will involve, a source within the administration stated a one-word summary: “Sovereignty.” In addition to his opening remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, President Trump plans to highlight two main issues throughout…


Kavanaugh investigation intensifies

The potential nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court has maintained its headline momentum for three consecutive weeks. What was once a semi-routine procedure, such as what took place during the nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch, has become a spectacle pushing the limits of civil political dispute. Originally discussed in the September 12…


China continues its crackdown on religion

In recent months, China has continuously ratcheted up a relentless crackdown on Christian congregations that are scattered throughout Beijing. They have destroyed crosses, shut down churches, burned bibles, and ordered members of churches to sign documents renouncing their faith. According to Bob Fu, who is a representative of the U.S. based group China Aid, stated…


What does Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing mean?

The Yale graduate and newly presented Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, has officially been exposed to the harsh political atmosphere that is Washington, D.C. The Senate hearings turned kabuki theatre haven’t provided much help to those who are attempting to disseminate between fact and fiction. Many Americans are still questioning who Judge Kavanaugh is. What…