*This is part of The Ranchor issue of The Anchor, which is a satire edition of our student newspaper. None of this article is meant to be taken as fact.*

THE LITERAL MELTING POT — FIrst Club Penguin, then polar bears, now Antarctica. What
other catastrophes could global warming bring? (Tech Crunch)
By: Sriracha Maserati
Leonardo Dicaprio men tioned it, the Discovery channel has mentioned it and even Club Penguin has faced it. That’s right, it’s all about climate change.
Today marks the ten-year anniversary of closing the Disney owned online game Club Penguin. Back in 2005, the original Club Penguin was a social online hot spot for kids and teens. A multiplayer online game aimed at kids, allowing them to explore a snow-covered virtual world as penguins. The game operated independently until 2007, when it was acquired by Disney. Boasting an 11-year run, Club Penguin had plenty of time to amass a fan base, and they are very sad.
From ten years back, the makers of Club Penguin had predicted that climate change was inevitable and that Antarctica wouldn’t last forever. Like wise, because Antarctica had recently melted, the only wild penguins left remaining are in South America, South Africa and Australia, the makers of Club Penguin felt that this inter net game acted as a mockery for those species that are long gone and missed.
Looking back from now, it’s surprising that Americans didn’t see the signs that predicted climate change. But instead, time was wasted listening to the political media. Nobody stopped to care and become proactive to protect the penguins.
Although the developers of the Disney game had replaced Club Penguin with Club Penguin Island, gamers still remained upset as their years of membership had to be canceled. The new Club Penguin Island is proof that the glaciers were melting away and now the Earth is gradually warming to the point where even the arctic be comes the tropics.
“We are deeply grateful for your time and enthusiasm since the beginning, and we’d like to thank each and every one of you in the club penguin community – we can’t wait for you to see what’s coming next,” said Club Penguin’s creator and engineer, Lance Priebe.
Overall, ever since Antarctica melted and coastal states, such as Florida and California are now submerged in the ocean, we can predict in just a few more years that technology and innovation will evolve toward aquatic transportation and underwater industrial networks.
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