Articles by Jack Wolff


Why you should be reading fantasy

  I love stories. Stories have always been one of my favorite  parts of life. There is just something incredible about a well  told story. My favorite stories have all been fantasy. I grew up reading “Eragon”, “Lord of  the Rings”, the “Redwall” series and many books that are  likely not well -known enough to…


Just Be Yourself

When I was growing up, I was always told to be myself. Every single day, both my mother and my father told me to be myself. In fact, I think that the “be yourself” mantra is one that so many of my generation’s parents told them over and over. So why did so few people…


Be a Man

These days I feel that men have taken a downturn. I think that oftentimes’s modern men have become less manly. Let me say this: when I say being “manly” I do not mean being emotionless, axe wielding and beard growing “men”. At the same time, in some few ways I am. At the risk of…