We are failing our country

We are failing our country. Right now, America is too hung up on building a wall or hating on the opposing political party to see actual issues arising. In case you haven’t been into the media lately, President Trump’s ad- ministration has decided to rescind DACA, which stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. DACA allows immigrants who entered the United States as minors to apply for a two- year deferral of deportation and makes them eligible for a work permit. Now that this policy has been overturned, over 800,000 people have to “self-deport” in six months. How is that fair?

The simple and obvious answer is that it is not fair. These are people who grew up here, went to school here, and have been praying that, one day, they can actually become an American citizen. A lot of these Dreamers are still minors and they have to make arrangements to return to their native country within six months time, unless Congress votes on their behalf. This is a country built from immigrants. There were no white men in America before the Pilgrim- age. Why is it so hard for us, whose ancestors came from European countries, to accept those who are trying to come here now? What is the difference?

The thing that makes my blood boil the most, is the fact that our country was founded on the belief that everyone had the right to come to America to live the way they wanted, but we are not allowing those coming here in the present day to do so nor to live freely. Most immigrants right now, documented or undocumented, live in fear of being deport- ed. Yes, I agree that most immigrants should become legal, but, personally know- ing someone who is an immigrant going through that process, it is incredibly hard as well as expensive, especially for those who are un- able to work. This is just not always possible.

I am a white American citizen that is over the treatment of immigrants. In fact, I am sick of the way we talk about immigrants, especially ones who come from Latin American descent. I am sick of hearing about that stupid wall of hatred. I will always stand up for those who are voiceless in our society be- cause, currently, we’re trying to get rid of them. Rescind- ing DACA is not only cruel and harmful to our immi- grants, it’s harmful to our society, whether you choose to see that or not. The White House administration has just removed the rights for hard workers, children and have taken away cultural differences that would make America even more unique and valuable. For a country that sure loves to say “land of the free,” it sure seems as if we wear a ball and chain.

'We are failing our country' has 1 comment

  1. September 14, 2017 @ 8:20 pm mossparkmike

    Is it possible that DACA should have been passed by Congress, not enacted by Executive Order, and now President Trump is making the correction? The intent may not be to throw out dreamers, but have Congress properly authorize it and make it better, including who it defines as a “dreamer”?


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