

COVID culture and intramurals

The latter half of the 2019-20 year at Hope College was disrupted in the early spring by the spread of COVID-19, with many changes and protocols being implemented then and throughout the year. The Hope administration worked diligently throughout the long summer to make sure that they could bring students back on campus safely for…


Who would Jesus vote for?

The upcoming election is already proving to be one of the most contentious in recent American history, with a flurry of ads and social media campaigns taking aim at some of the most sensitive topics in U.S. politics. Questions of race, the economy, foreign policy, the COVID-19 response and scandals continue to trend as areas…


Candidates Huizenga and Berghoef on the issues: Environmental policy

This November, President Trump’s head-to-head faceoff with Vice President Biden isn’t the only important election Holland faces. Between the growing importance of the House of Representatives’ influence on the budget amidst the pandemic and the increased power of the vote when it comes to local elections, the ballot for the representative of Michigan’s second district…