256 VICTIMS COME FORWARD – Larry Nassar will continue to listen to his victims as proceedings move forward in Eaton County, Michigan.
As of Wednesday, a total of 256 victims have accused disgraced gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar of abuse. Last week, 156 women came forward to tell Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, of Ingham County Circuit Court, their powerful stories of how Larry Nassar sexually abused them as minors under the cover of medical guidance. This week, Nassar’s victim count continues to rise as proceedings in Eaton County begin.
Approximately 140 of the victims have now filed lawsuits again Nassar, Michigan States University (MSU) and USA Gymnastics (USAG), claiming that the institutions knew about the allegations and failed to act responsively. In response, The United States Olympic Committee, who has also been criticized by victims, has begun an investigation into the conduct of USAG and its own institution. At MSU, president Lou Anna Simon and athletic director Mark Hollis have stepped down from their positions admit the scandal.
Judge Janice Cunningham has set a aside several days for the more than 60 victims who want to confront Nassar in court. Although Judge Aquilina claimed that her 40 to 175 sentence signed Nassar’s “death warrant,” Judge Cunningham will have to change it in order to add onto it. Some victims have begun to speak out against the culture within gymnastic that allows this abuse to flourish. The Eaton County court case is specifically addressing abuses that occurred at Twiststars, a Lansing-area gymnastic club that Nassar was connected to. According to TIME, Nassar admits “penetrating three girls with his hands when he was supposed to be treating them for injuries.” Their testimonies will continue throughout the week.
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