
Upcoming finals generate stress


TIPS TO STAY DE-STRESSED DURING FINALS WEEK — If the pressures of finals are piling up as fast as homework, take a peek at these fun ways to take a break, relax and re-charge during Hope College’s final week. (Hope College)

Attention Hope College students: finals week is approaching. With the last papers and projects coming to a due date and finals demanding hours of study time, one word comes to mind: stress. Take a breath, Dutchmen. Here are some tips to de-stress at the end of this fall semester.

Color. It’s highly recommended to invest in a coloring book. Adult coloring books are easy to find and children coloring books are just as fun and simple. Taking a break and completing a colorful picture will make you feel accomplished and relax your mind and body.

Sing-along. Get on Spotify and listen to a few songs of your favorite playlist. Don’t be afraid to belt it out. It’s a way to scream away the frustrations without scaring everyone in the dorms. And while you’re at it, dance a little.

Netflix. Watch ONE episode of your favorite show on Netflix. Only one. Taking a twenty to forty-minute break will help you unwind and take your mind off any schoolwork that may be driving you crazy.

Change locations. Change can be a good thing. Move to a new study room and get a change of scenery. It can get boring sitting in the same spot for hours. It may clear up some thoughts or a subject of study you could have been stuck on.

Eat. Snacking on something healthy is a good way to recharge. Take a break and head to Phelps or Cook for a delicious meal. Junk food is a good reward system. Finished your notecards? Eat some chocolate!

Clean. Cluttered space, cluttered mind. It can be hard to study and focus in a messy room or area. Take time to re-organize and tidy up for twenty minutes. Re-organizing can make you feel better prepared and ready to go.

Nap. This one is a solid go to break option. Recharge your battery. Sleeping for twenty minutes will wake you up and help you study with a clearer image. And getting cozy in your bed or on your couch will make you feel comfortable and offer a safe space away from school for a while. Groggy studying never turns out well.

Go outside. Take a walk outside to clear your head. The weather is still nice with no snow in sight. Take time to enjoy the campus sights before heading home for break. There are so many seceret studying spots you can find along the way.

Work out. Get your frustrations out through sweat. Lift weights at the Dow or jog through campus. Exercising will wake you up and get you back in the studying game. And you’ll look fantastic after.

Campus activities. Hope’s Student Activites Committee is putting on some events around campus to help fellow students de-stress. Take the time to attend a few and chat with others who know exactly what you are going through. And maybe you’ll find a new study buddy in the process.

Try one of these activities, or all, this finals week. Come up with out own ideas and rituals to de-stress. Just remember to take time for yourself. It is important to find an activity to relax and get rid of the weight of stress.

Happy holidays and good luck on your finals from The Anchor.

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