Articles by Summer Timmer


New Pull coaches prepare for the big fight

The Pull is approaching rapidly–Oct. 1 to be exact–and this year’s coaches are as excited as ever. However, the considerable amount of work the coaches put into The Pull each year is underappreciated. An interview with a new Even Year coach, Emily O’Connor (’18), shed some light on the planning and expectations she has as a coach. While she was not able to reveal…


Hope pushes for a greener world

Hope College isn’t exactly known for its environmental friendly reputation. Not that Hope doesn’t promote going green, but I’ve never felt a strong emphasis on the importance of eco-friendly acts, such as recycling. However, after doing some research, I’ve come to the realization that Hope is actually doing a phenomenal job in this department. Most…


Goodbye KnowHope, hello inHope

Yearlong redesign of new website officially launched Monday   As many students now know, Hope has decided to leave KnowHope behind and create something a little different called inHope. The new website,, became the new official website for students, staff and faculty on Monday. It includes many new features that make it easier to…