Articles by Caitlin Babcock

Caitlin Babcock ('23) is from Fort Collins, Colorado and wrote for the Anchor in the spring semester of 2020. She is planning to double major in Global Studies and Writing and is looking into a career in journalism. She enjoys taking walks, sunny days, Phelps deep-fried pickles, binge-playing the piano, sunrises, hot chocolate, spending 80% of her dining dollars on Kletz cookies, listening to The Piano Guys, and working for the Anchor! She dislikes cloudy days, Phelps chicken, airplanes, spicy food, snakes, eggnog, and math.


Hope President Leads Discussion About Inclusiveness on a Christian Campus

“This is important. It’s really important.  For a lot of people these are really core identity issues,” said Hope College President Matthew Scogin to a crowd of attentive students last Tuesday night. He was referencing the Hope College’s Board of Trustees’ decision this past summer to remove Hope’s Position Statement on Human Sexuality. Previously Hope…