Monthly Archives: December 2018


Swim & Dive competes well at Wheaton, Carthage

The men’s and women’s swimmers competed last weekend at the Wheaton College Invitational while the divers competed at the Carthage College Invitational. Both swimmers and divers recorded first place performances. The men’s swimmers took fourth in the meet overall with 371 points and one recordbreaking performance. The women’s team took third with 710 points with…


A final reflection

In a blink, in a wink, in one more life-flash-before-my-eyes moment while crossing the street, I will be home. I can feel the cold Michigan wind against the tip of my nose, hear the Christmas music, and see the lights glow against snow covered Holland pines. Yet when I pull away from that excitement and…


Youth democracy in Greece

This September, Emily Wolfe (’20) traveled to Athens, Greece to attend the Athens Democracy Forum as a student representative for Hope College. Set up by the New York Times alongside the United Nations, the Athens Democracy Forum brings leaders from all over the world together to discuss the current state of democracy. Along with 20…