Monthly Archives: October 2018


‘Crooked’ starts, ends run in DeWitt

As the stage manager bustles and the master electrician finishes checking spotlights, actresses sit under the careful eyes of the costumers. The director and designers are sprinkled among the students in the intimate space of DeWitt’s studio theatre with their jobs finished—whether they like it or not. The lights go down, come back up and…


The food crisis at hand

A culture filled with glossy magazines and plastic people causes much of the Western world to view food through a distorted lens. Whether it is by not eating enough, eating too much or simply not recognizing the foods being chewed and swallowed, there lies a great disconnect between the energy exuded thanks to food and…


Clothesline opposes sexual assault

The Clothesline Project, presented by the Students Teaching and Empowering Peers (S.T.E.P.), honors survivors and victims of interpersonal violence (i.e. dating violence, harassment, sexual assault, and stalking). Anyone who has experienced such violence, at any time in their life, is encouraged to create a shirt and allies are encouraged to make shirts to support their…


CDI leadership program opportunity

The student leadership program is a collaboration between the Boerigter Center, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion and Herman Miller to support students in the development of effective planning strategies in order for them to achieve their desired goals and outcomes for their future. One of the main contributors to the program, Vanessa Greene, is…