Daily Archives: September 25, 2018


Markets & Morality hosts first event

Last Monday, “Eminent Domain” was the takeaway phrase from Markets & Morality’s first public event of the semester. Held in Winants Auditorium, the group held a screening of the 2017 Courtney Balaker film “Little Pink House,” which discusses property rights and government overreach. The film itself ran for approximately an hour and a half, after…


The United Nations ‘Sovereignty Week’

President Donald Trump is set to address the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, September 25. When asked what his opening remarks will involve, a source within the administration stated a one-word summary: “Sovereignty.” In addition to his opening remarks to the United Nations General Assembly, President Trump plans to highlight two main issues throughout…


Kavanaugh investigation intensifies

The potential nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court has maintained its headline momentum for three consecutive weeks. What was once a semi-routine procedure, such as what took place during the nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch, has become a spectacle pushing the limits of civil political dispute. Originally discussed in the September 12…


GLOBE hopes to change status quo

Past and current students at Hope who have identified as part of the LGBTQ+ community have struggled to find a group on campus due to the fact that official student organizations cannot openly advertise themselves as LGBTQ+ due to certain “rules and policies”. GLOBE hopes to change this by allowing LGBTQ+ students to express themselves…


Mr. Rogers visits the neighborhood

This past weekend students viewed the story of Fred Rogers in the 2018 documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”. The documentary was hosted by SAC and offered excellent insight into the revered television host. The Morgan Neville film was shown in the Bultman Student Center Theater. Intertwining American history with the creation and climax of…