Common Ground: Moving Hope Forward

Author: Dr. Heidi E. Kraus (Associate Provost for Academic Affairs) In her book Generous Thinking: A Radical Approach to Saving the University, Dr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick offers the following: “Generosity lies in part in the force of the commitments that we make to one another, but commitments that are based on an ethical obligation that endures…


Combating Climate Change Worldwide

Author: Heidi Hudson All summer, headlines screamed of record-breaking temperatures. Fires erupted in Canada, turning the sky in New York City orange. Maui burst into flames. Air quality regressed from progress gained from years of work. A question that has been hanging in the air for years is now too large to ignore— is the…


Make Your Bed

Author: Heidi Hudson Every morning, you have a choice. There is a question to be answered: Who am I going to be today? As we go throughout out day-to-day lives, we are faced with endless choices of identity-shaping capabilities. However mundane a choice may seem, it has the opportunity to shape an infinite number of…