

All About The Park Theatre  

Many historic theatres that were once popular weekend spots have been torn down throughout the decades. However, vintage buildings bring so much charm to local cities and deserve to be treasured and preserved. Park Theatre in Holland, Michigan has beaten the odds and has been turned into a flourishing non-profit music venue right across the…


Sounds like its Grammy Season!

It’s that time of the year again! Grammy season is in full swing; musicians, producers, and music lovers anxiously await the award ceremony on Feb. 2nd. The Academy created the Grammy Awards in 1959 to honor the music industry’s best artists and performances. The Grammys are regarded by many as the most prestigious and significant…


The Jack Ridl Visiting Writers Series: Heather Sellers and Anna Gazmarian

The Jack Ridl Visiting Writers Series is a student-run and faculty-organized series committed to hosting free public events showcasing writers. Each event offers local and student communities opportunities to interact with the visiting writers and discuss their work, through panels, readings, classes and workshops. On September 30th in the BSC’s Schaap Auditorium, the series hosted…