Daily Archives: April 12, 2021


A response to Hope MSO leaders

Dear Unified Student Leaders, Thank you for your recent letter regarding the conversation surrounding commencement stoles representing student organizations. We appreciate the numerous voices gathering together in one accord to express your grievances, and we deeply lament the concerns of the voices who felt they could not be named for fear of repercussions. The voices…


An open letter from Hope MSO leaders

This letter was written on March 27, 2021 to Dean Frost, President Scogin, Dr. Trent-Brown and Dr. Griffin on the behalf of leaders from various Hope Multicultural Student Organizations (MSO). Since the time it was sent, Hope administrators have decided to allow custom stoles at the 2021 graduation ceremony, citing a miscommunication for the delay…


Senior Spotlight: Morgan Brown

Morgan Brown is the third senior in the Anchor’s Arts senior spotlight. From Romeo, Michigan, she majors in creative writing and has minors in political science and religion. She shared her experience at Hope College, how she found her path and where she dreams of being in the future.   What was the journey to finding…